How Metaverse looks like

Introduction Creating a virtual world is a great way to build brand loyalty, boost sales and get more people talking about your product or service. But with so many virtual worlds out there, how do you decide which one to use? Which platform is best for your company? What should...

How Metaverse is created

Introduction The first thing to understand about the Metaverse platform is that it's a virtual world. This means that everything you do in Metaverse happens on servers and computers, not in real life. This can be confusing at first, but once you get used to it (and hopefully will find...

Can Metaverse be Dangerous ?

Introduction Yes, of course it can. Things in the real world can potentially be dangerous too. However, the difference is that we understand how we interact with things in reality, and can work around them if something goes wrong. The same cannot be said for technology at this point in...

Can Metaverse be a game changer

Introduction metaverse is a revolutionary technology which can be a game changer in the future. metaverse can be a game changer Metaverse is a revolutionary technology. It has the potential to be a game changer for our world. Metaverse is already being used in ways that will change how we interact with each...

Can Metaverse work without Blockchain

Introduction Metaverse is a blockchain project that aims to build a "digital asset management system" on top of its public ledger. This can be confusing, so let me explain: the basic function of Metaverse is to allow users to create and manage digital identities that correspond with different types of...

What are Metaverse Games

Introduction I'm a huge fan of VR gaming, but I don't think that virtual worlds are just for gaming. They can be used for so much more than just entertainment—especially when they're given the name "metaverse." The concept of a metaverse has been around since 1992, when Neal Stephenson wrote...

What are Metaverse Crypto

Introduction What is Metaverse? The Metaverse blockchain is a public blockchain, similar to Bitcoin or Ethereum. It's designed with the vision of becoming a decentralised platform for social and financial services. Unlike most cryptocurrencies, Metaverse aims to provide more than just digital currency payments and trading. In addition to providing...

What are Metaverse Tokens

Introduction Metaverse is a blockchain platform that seeks to create digital identities and smart contracts. . The network uses its own cryptocurrency called "Metaverse" (or ETP) to power transactions, which is used to create smart contracts on the Metaverse blockchain. This allows users to create their own digital assets, sign messages...

What are Metaverse coins

Introduction Metaverse is a blockchain platform with one of the most advanced smart contract systems in existence and it enables the creation of dApps that are far superior to those developed on other platforms. Anyone can create a decentralized application (dApp) or digital identity on Metaverse, and the team behind...

NFT and bitcoin have things in common

Christian Ng, head of Hong Kong-based blockchain development company GBV Capital, spoke about his attitude towards investing in non-fungible tokens (NFTs). He believes that NFT and bitcoin have a lot in common. Link between the first cryptocurrency and NFTChristian Ng shared his thoughts on digital art, investing in NFT and...