How NFT Games Work

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The gaming industry is changing. Video games have been around for decades, and the industry has evolved a lot over that time. But lately, something new has appeared: non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These digital assets are on the cutting edge of gaming technology and offer some exciting opportunities for gamers and developers alike. In this article, we’ll explore what NFTs are, how they work in games like CryptoKitties and Decentraland—and even how you can build your own NFT game!

What are NFTs?

You’re probably wondering, “What the heck is a non-fungible token?” Well, it’s the same thing as a token, except that it’s not (can you see where this is going?).

A blockchain is just a distributed database. It records transactions in an immutable ledger to keep track of them. NFTs are tokens that have unique properties that make them more easily identifiable than others on the blockchain. A smart contract is an application built on top of these blocks that can store and transfer data between parties, which makes up much of what we think of as “apps.”

A dApp or decentralized app basically means any application on top of decentralized technology—in other words: apps where no single entity controls all its data or operation. That might sound complicated but basically it just means apps with no central authority!

What are NFT games?

You might be wondering, what are NFTs? How do they work? And why should I care?

NFTs are a new type of digital asset. They’re not just collectibles like baseball cards or Pokémon cards; they can also be used as in-game items, as rewards for completing quests or challenges within a game and more. As an NFT owner, you can trade them on marketplaces like OpenSea and Rare Bits to sell them for real money—or even use them in another application entirely! For example: an artist might make their own game using the same set of characters from another game (a popular use case). Or someone could create an entirely new app that uses NFTs from one particular game as its currency (like how Facebook’s Libra will work).

What makes a good NFT game?

Now that you understand what NFTs are and how they work, it’s time to discuss what makes a good NFT game. While there’s no way to predict which games will be the most successful, there are some key features that make a strong case for success:

  • Players have ownership of their in-game assets

Ownership is an important part of any game or platform. It gives players a sense of pride and accomplishment when they can show off their hard-earned assets outside of the game environment by displaying them on social media or trading them with other players. This also incentivizes players to keep playing because if they stop playing, then they lose all ownership rights over their assets.

NFTs allow developers to create ecosystems where users can create/buy/sell/trade digital items such as skins (a skin is essentially just an image that you see when you play), avatars, weapons and other customization options. For example, if someone buys an expensive weapon skin in one game then later decides they want to get rid of it before selling it again at a higher price point – this could result in lower profits due  to inflationary pressures caused by too many sellers competing against each other at once (for example).

NFTs are changing gaming.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably been waiting for the day when NFTs would change our gaming world. They are a new form of ownership and have the power to change how we think about games. But what exactly is an NFT?

NFT stands for non-fungible token. It’s a type of crypto collectible that can be used in all kinds of ways within games and apps—but it’s not just limited to games! In fact, it has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, such as finance and art collecting.


NFTs are a new type of digital asset that can be owned and traded. They’re not quite as disruptive as cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but they have the potential to revolutionize video games and other interactive experiences. NFTs have many benefits over traditional game items that make them an attractive option for developers who want to make their products more accessible and user-friendly—especially when it comes time for players to monetize their hard work!

If you’re interested in learning more about how NFTs work and what makes them so unique, check out our website today!

