How NFT will change the world

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Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a new kind of digital asset. They’re different from most other cryptocurrencies because they can’t be traded for other cryptocurrencies. Instead, each NFT is unique in some way and has a distinct value to its owner. At the same time, however, NFTs can be used as currency when exchanged between owners of similar objects. For example: Imagine you’re in the market for a rare baseball card that was produced by Topps Company back in 1950. You’ve found one on eBay—but it’s not cheap! Luckily, the seller accepts payment through WeChat Pay or Alipay so that you can simply send them yuan directly rather than having to worry about converting your money into Bitcoin first before sending it over via Lightning Network micropayments channel.”

What is a non-fungible token

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a crypto-asset that is unique in some way. For example, each token can be identified by its own ID number and be registered on a blockchain. Each NFT has its own attributes and properties that are independent of other tokens on the same blockchain.

NFTs are being used for everything from art collectibles to concert tickets to real estate. They’re also being used in gaming as a way to reward players for their achievements or as currency for buying items in games such as CryptoKitties (the world’s most popular cat collecting game).

Many companies and individuals are adopting NFTs because they offer several advantages over traditional cryptocurrencies:

NFT Benefits

NFTs are more secure than other types of digital assets:

  • NFTs are much more resistant to fraud. The blockchain is the only place that can verify the authenticity of a token, which means that if you buy an NFT, you know that it’s actually what it claims to be. With other kinds of tokens, this verification process can sometimes be difficult and unreliable—you might be buying something that doesn’t exist or isn’t what you think it is. With an NFT, however, this hurdle has been removed entirely because only one person owns each token at any given time (the creator). Furthermore, NFTs can usually only be owned by one person at a time due to how they were created; if someone else tries to register ownership over your token without your permission or knowledge then their attempt will fail because their private key won’t match up with yours—and since there’s no way for them to know what your private key is anyway (unless you’ve already told them), there’s no way for them get past this step either! This means that if someone does try stealing someone else’s NFT then all they’ll get back when trying logging into their account online will be some random character string like “I’m not going anywhere until I get my $$$$ back!”

Who’s adopting NFTs

So who’s adopting NFTs?

  • Crypto collectibles: CryptoKitties, for example, is the most iconic NFT to date. However, there are many others that have launched in its wake. You can find everything from crypto versions of the Eiffel Tower to a cat that looks like your friend’s pet and even a digital version of yourself! The possibilities are endless when it comes to what you can create with these new assets.
  • Crypto games: One game called Ethercraft allows players to collect resources and trade them on an open market based on supply and demand—all while playing an RPG-style game at the same time! If you want something more competitive than just collecting virtual cats, this might be your thing.
  • Crypto art: There are also plenty of artists producing their own digital artworks using blockchain technology as well as creating original pieces with it too (like this one). And now they can sell their works directly through NFT platforms like OpenSea without needing an intermediary such as an auction house or gallery owner whose fees take away from their profit margin…

How to create and use an NFT

Now that we have a better understanding of what an NFT is and how it works, let’s take a look at how to actually create and use one.

To create an NFT:

  • Write the name of your new token on a piece of paper or in a word document. This can be any name you want—it could be “my first asset,” “my second asset,” or something else entirely! Just make sure it’s unique so no one else takes your token name before you get there (and if they do, just change it!).
  • Create an Ethereum wallet using Metamask or MyEtherWallet (you’ll need Ether in order for this to work). You can also try other wallets like Trust Wallet but keep in mind these won’t store ERC20 tokens so you won’t be able to trade them on secondary markets yet.) Once you have created an address for sending funds from Metamask/MyEtherWallet, send some Ether over and then save this address as well!

NFTs can improve the security of a lot of digital assets.

So, what’s an NFT? It’s a new type of digital asset that can be used to track ownership and authenticity. For example, if you have a unique collectible card in your game, you can use an NFT to verify that:

  • The person who owns the card owns it rightfully
  • The card is authentic (the person didn’t modify it somehow)

This is important because most digital assets are non-fungible—that is, they aren’t identical copies of each other and so cannot be swapped without risking loss of value or privacy. For example, let’s say I have a copy of “The Catcher in the Rye” that was published by Random House. You could buy my copy from me and resell it as yours without any problems because both copies belong to Random House; they’re just different instances of one thing. But if I bought another book from them with their permission first and then sold that book directly back to them again at some point down the road later on down our respective paths through life: bad news! If we swap these books then neither one will retain its value (or even possibly become worthless).


NFTs are pretty exciting, and we’re looking forward to seeing how they evolve in the future. But at their core, they’re simply a way to tag digital assets with unique identifiers and make them more secure. This means that even if someone tries to steal your digital assets by spoofing your account or changing their address, they won’t be able to do it because those assets will always stay tied up with your identity and can’t be transferred without permission from both parties involved in the transaction. Plus, since these tokens are non-fungible (unlike bitcoin), each one is useful for different reasons depending on what you’re trying out as well!

