How to Turn Your Art into an NFT

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So you’re an artist and you’d like to sell some of your work? Well, have I got news for you! You can do that now. You don’t have to go through galleries or wait for the right buyer to come along. No way! If you’ve got some digital art files lying around—or even if you don’t—then getting them minted into NFTs is easier than ever before. In just five steps we’ll show you how:

Why Sell NFTs?

NFTs are a new way to sell art. They’re easy to buy, and they’re easy to sell. They also represent an opportunity for you as an artist: NFTs make it easier for people to purchase your work!

When someone wants an NFT, all they have to do is point their browser at the blockchain where the art is stored (known as the “marketplace”) and pay some cryptocurrency in order to get their hands on it. This is much simpler than say buying a painting at auction, or bidding on one while it sits on display at an art gallery—it’s also easier than taking out your wallet and paying cash up front just so you can walk out of there with a piece of original artwork in hand!

If you’re an artist, selling your art as an NFT is a great way to get people to buy it and increase its value.

Here’s the deal: NFTs are a great way to sell your art. They’re also more valuable than non-NFTs, and more liquid too! As an artist, you can expect your work to be worth more as an NFT than if it were simply on the blockchain for anyone to buy at any time.

If you’re looking for ways to increase the value of your artwork and bring in some extra cash, selling it as an NFT is one of the best options out there.

Step 1: Create the artwork you want to sell.

  • Step 1: Create the artwork you want to sell.

You can use a digital tool like a graphics editor or a 3D tool, an online tool like Canva or Adobe Spark, or even physical tools like paper and pencil. The important thing is that you create the artwork you want to sell.

Step 2: Make Your Art Digital.

The next step involves making a digital version of your artwork. You will want to use an online service like Canva or Photoshop to make this happen.

In order to ensure that your artwork is high quality, there are a few things you should consider:

  • The resolution should be high enough so that the image doesn’t appear pixelated when printed on an NFT. For example, if the art was made using paint and brushes with a resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch), then it may need to be at least 600 dpi before being used as an NFT.
  • The file size shouldn’t be too big or too small; otherwise, it could take longer for people to see their rewards in their wallets or mobile wallets—and nobody wants that!

Step 3: Become a Seller on OpenSea.

Now that you’ve created your art and made it an NFT, it’s time to sell it. To do this, you must first create an account on OpenSea and link your wallet address to the platform. The process is simple: just click “Sign Up Now!” in the top right corner of the screen and fill out the information requested by OpenSea. Then click “Create Wallet” at the bottom of your screen to direct yourself to a new page where you can choose between generating a private key or using access via MetaMask (which we recommend). Once this step is finished, head back over and log in with your newly created username/password combination or via MetaMask link (if applicable).

Once logged in, follow one of two paths: selling directly from within OpenSea itself or selling directly from your wallet linked via MyEtherWallet (MEW). If opting for MEW as a method of sale—the recommended option—you will need another piece of software called SafeBox installed on your computer before proceeding with these steps; instructions on how best install SafeBox are available here . After downloading all necessary files onto either device that houses SafeBox software (your computer or mobile phone), open MEW up again and navigate toward Accounts > Send Ether & Tokens; once there select “Add Custom Token” from left side menu options before entering an exchange contract address provided by [OpenSea]( into corresponding field provided by SafeBox application window appearing beside this section’s title text box ready for user inputted values.”

Step 4: Get Your Files Ready for Minting.

Next, you’ll need to upload your files. Mint prints using the following file types:

  • PNG or JPEG
  • Transparent PNG
  • GIF (animated)

To convert your existing art into the right format, use our conversion tool. You can also use Photoshop or Illustrator to open an image in a different file format and save it as either a PNG or a JPEG with transparency enabled (for example: “File > Save for Web & Devices”). The key here is to make sure that all of your artwork has been saved at high resolution—for best results, aim for 300 dpi when preparing images for printing on NFTs.

Step 5. Add Your Artwork to the OpenSea Gallery.

Once you’ve created your artwork, it’s time to upload it to OpenSea.

First, go to our marketplace and create an account if you haven’t done so already. Then log in and click “Upload” on the top menu bar.

Then click “Browse” and select the folder where you saved your artwork files on your computer. Most likely this will be a zip file with two folders inside: one named “images” and another named “metadata.”

Make sure that all of these files are in order! If they’re not, make sure they are (and fix any errors) before moving on to step #6 below).

Be Prepared to Wait for Somebody to Buy It.

To be successful, you need to be prepared to wait. It can take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks before your NFT is sold, but there are some things you can do to increase the chances of selling it:

  • Include a detailed description that includes the name of your NFT and any relevant hashtags or keywords.
  • Keep track of how long it takes for people to respond. If someone doesn’t respond after 12 hours or so (or if they contact you with questions about their purchase), feel free to cancel the sale and move on with someone else—there are plenty out there waiting for those who are patient enough!


In this article, we’ve taken you through the process of creating an NFT and how to sell it on the market. We hope that this has been useful for you and that now you have a better understanding of how to turn your art into an NFT.

If you have any questions or comments about building non-fungible tokens for your artwork, please feel free to reach out in our community chat on Discord!


So, if you’re an artist who wants to sell their work as NFTs, you can use the steps above to do it. As long as you have the right files and are willing to wait for someone else to buy your art, there’s nothing stopping you from selling your work as an NFT!

